
18Oct 2012

What are volunteers to your organisation? At a recent training day one manager referred to volunteers as “the lifeblood of our organisation”. Pretty important then! People often refer to volunteers as “vital” or “essential” to the organisation. For some of you, volunteers are the “public face” of the organisation, for others they “make the engine […]

13Aug 2012

As a volunteer manager, should your professional development be focused on competencies, or strengths? Competencies are the things that you DO in your job, observable descriptions of behaviour.  There is a national competency framework for the management of volunteers, the National Occupational Standards(1), and you may well work in an organisation with its own competencies. […]

09Aug 2012

Action Learning is a method of peer supported learning that is well suited to leadership and management development. It was founded by Professor Reg Revans, based on a simple idea – leaders and managers learn best by working together in a group (an “action learning set”) to help each other to find solutions to real […]

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